Hello and welcome to my website. I have an MA in Core Process Psychotherapy taught at Karuna Institute in Devon, and awarded by Middlesex University.
I see clients in London, near Kings Cross, and in East Sussex, near Uckfield.
What is Core Process Psychotherapy?
Core Process Psychotherapy is a mindfulness-based psychotherapy that incorporates Eastern philosophy and awareness practices and is also informed by a number of Western psychological and psychotherapeutic models.
It is an integrative approach which means that I am able to draw upon a number of different theories and methodologies according to the needs of individual clients.
Awareness in Relationship
Central to Core Process Psychotherapy is the relationship between the therapist and the client. In the safety of this relationship a healing process can begin to take place. By becoming aware of the body, feelings and emotions in the here and now, we can start to explore and release some of the patterns that have caused suffering in the past.
Contact me
If you would like to contact me to discuss my services, please call me on:
0772 5579406 or email tatiana@awarenesspsychotherapy.com
“In all this world, there is nothing more important than appreciating the preciousness of our human embodiment and doing all we can to increase health and happiness for ourselves and others”.
Tarthang Tulku
What I offer...
I offer weekly one hour sessions to clients. Visit Duration & Fees to find out more. If you would like any further information please call:
0772 5579406 or email me.
Why psychotherapy?
The main aims and purposes of psychotherapy is to alleviate mental suffering and psychologically induced, or psycho-somatic pain, as well as to locate and increase the individual’s sense of his or her own well-being.